Economics Socium Environment
Environmental Economics and Sustainable Development, 2022, 11(30): 33-42
DOI: 10.37100/2616-7689.2022.11(30).4
UDС 334.7 : 330.15
Victor Moshynsky
Doctor of agricultural sciences, professor,
National university of water management and environmental Sciences, Rivne

Olga Zhovtonog
Doctor of agricultural sciences, professor,
Public institution «Institute of environmental economics and
sustainable development of the National academy of sciences of Ukraine», Kyiv

Vasily Turchenyuk
Doctor of Technical Sciences,
National university of water management and environmental Sciences, Rivne
Valeriy Mandzyk
Doctor of economic sciences, senior research fellow,
Public institution «Institute of environmental economics and
sustainable development of the National academy of sciences of Ukraine», Kyiv
Abstract: Based on the generalization of international experience in reforming water management systems, a list of basic imperatives and principles, as well as the most common methods and tools of water policy development, which have been tested and successfully implemented in many countries.
In particular, the study considers a number of principles of state sectoral policies and management of reform processes, including: the application of systematic multi-disciplinary approaches to assessing the state of natural and technical social systems; adherence to the principles of sustainable development and integrated management; stakeholder participation at all stages of policy development and implementation; implementation of the principles of good governance; use of technological innovations, informatization and application of platform technologies.
Emphasis is placed on the fact that existing and promising sectoral strategies in the field of water protection and use should be based on a common intersectoral vision and the formation of relevant broader intersectoral strategic goals that address important national tasks of improving and developing water management.
An algorithm of the process of interaction between stakeholders and expert groups in the process of developing the Water strategy is proposed, which provides for: accumulation and analysis of data on the state of water resources and water use; performing a systematic analysis of the functioning of the industry; development of a general vision of the future state of water resources management; substantiation of strategy principles and development of indicators for quantitative assessment of strategy implementation results; determination of the main stages of the strategy and methods of their implementation; development of qualitative and quantitative scenarios of institutional changes in the water management complex, as well as the necessary technical and technological innovations for the long term.
It is substantiated that in order to ensure a transparent and clear process of development and implementation of the main provisions of the Water strategy, it is necessary to organize the national water dialogue with the participation of leading scientific and educational institutions in the field of water management.
Key words: water resources, climate change, integrated management, analytical platform, water policy, Water strategy of Ukraine.
Language version: Ukrainian

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Article publication date: 2022
Date of online version: 2022